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Camano Stanwood Pickleball Association

$30 per year      June 2022 - June 2023

Select your age group
Rating Source

AGREEMENT, RELEASE & WAIVER OF LIABILITY: I authorize Camano Stanwood Pickleball Assn. to use the information above to inform me of club updates. My personal information will only be used by Camano Stanwood Pickleball Assn. for this purpose and will not be provided to any other organization without explicit consent. I will have the option at any time to “opt out” of receiving updates.


I recognize and understand that there are inherent risks to which I will be exposed because of the nature of the sports activity involved. As evidenced by my signature, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, administrators and assigns, release, waive and hold harmless Camano Stanwood Pickleball Assn., its sponsors, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners & lessors of premises used to conduct activities. This applies to any manner of damages/claims or lawsuits that may result from my participation. I understand that Camano Stanwood Pickleball Assn. does not currently carry liability insurance.


Players agree to conduct themselves in a civil manner, both on the courts and on the sidelines. Members are reminded of the goal to provide an environment where all participants can play the game to the best of their ability & importantly, "have fun" while doing so. I consent for Camano Stanwood Pickleball Assn. to use or distribute any record of pickleball events that might include my image or voice. 

If applicant is under 18 years of age, parental signature required

Thanks for Submitting your application.We will review the submission and notify you when you have been entered into our system.Please allow 24 hours for processing.

If you would like to print and mail your
Membership Application

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